Cement Testing: Ensuring Quality And Durability
We are one of the reputed and leading Building materials & Soil testing laboratory undertaking of soil testing and building material testing & various prestigious projects throughout the length and breadth of the country.
MCB Material Testing And Research Center LLP have the best professionals in this field and top technical team, who bring with them more than 3 years of experience. The team has tied up with some of the best national companies/agencies and partners to bring best solutions to leverage business solutions and benefit. We have a well-equipped laboratory with all the latest equipment’s and very experienced lab technicians
We are Consulting Engineers, Lab testing organizer & Engineering. Laboratory is well maintained and equipped with necessary apparatus to carry out all Testing of building materials, SPT/Soil Compaction/GSB/WMM. All equipment’s are calibrated according to the IS Requirements. Our team is well trained to handle laboratory apparatus to provide consistent and reliable results.
We are privileged to have worked in the states of, Uttarakhand, Delhi, C.G., Jharkhand Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Assam, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat etc. under both Government and Private bodies. We work in close partnership with our clients providing clear vision and independent technical, strategic and commercial advice for the projects
The Laboratories department carries out testing on commercial basis and is responsible for the testing activities only. The Laboratories carries out testing of samples received from customers or from and the test results are furnished to the customers. The requirements of customers are met by equipping the Laboratories with the state-of-the-art equipment and adopting the requisite national and international standards and specifications. Prompt service is rendered to customers The Laboratories carries out its work using permanent facilities only at rudrapur.
To always meet our "On Time, Every Time" motto:
1. To satisfy customer requirements by thoroughly understanding their requirements, needs and expectations;
2. To meet the requirements established in ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 as applicable, and satisfy Needs of accreditation organization;
3. To continuously measure and improve the quality of service offered to our customers in a Competent manner;
4. Identifying requirement and execution of Quality Control measures; and
5. To ensure all, Our personnel understand and Implement this quality management system consistently and are performing the testing Activities impartially.
The MCB Material Testing And Research Center LLP Rudrapur is committed to providing “world class testing services in the most professional manner possible to our customers and is committed to do our job “right first time ......every time....” in order to provide total customer satisfaction.
This commitment is a company wide dedication to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. MCB and its personnel, in keeping with this policy are committed to:
We offer you efficient and customised testing solutions to meet your demands.
Our skilled lab technicians guarantee reliable and precise testing solutions.